The campaign to establish Transitional Government of Ethiopia as a sham scheme

By Leenjiso Horo October 2016

Today, there is a campaign by the ODF, OFC, Blue Party, Medred, Vision-Ethiopia and other organizations for the formation of “transitional government” of Ethiopia that includes the fascist TPLF.

This “transitional government” is a coalition of Amhara nafxanyas, Oromo neo-gobanas, Tigrayan fascists, and other self-interested, power hungry, anti-liberation renegade forces and individuals who are driven by their ego.

The purpose of this sham transitional government is to cripple peoples’ struggle for liberation, freedom, justice, self-determination and human dignity. It is a deceptive political scheme intended to mislead those innocent and well-meaning individuals. It would be a mistake if we allow ourselves to be induced into inaction, into accepting this sham Transitional government of Ethiopia that includes the TPLF led government.

It must be clear to all that formation of transitional government is an attempt, an effort and a political scheme to undermine the peoples’ liberation struggle. Its aim is to usurp power from the people.

It must be understood that to call for “transitional government” at this stage of liberation struggle is to arrest the struggle of the people, to obstruct it; and to deviate it from its goal. Hence, “transitional government” must be rejected.

The Oromo nationalists and the Oromo people must reject any form of accommodation, reconciliation, negotiation and compromise with the TPLF and its associates. Its institutions-the Army, police force, security apparatus, parliament, and judiciary have to be completely dismantled. Those who committed genocide, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing must face justice. In order to insure these, our people need to resort to arms and fight to accelerate the Tigrayan fascist regime to its internal self-decay and disintegration. TPLF has to be buried in Oromia.

It is the demanded duty of the peoples of Ethiopia to advance and swiftly accelerate the process of TPLF/EPRDF collapse and disintegration with all means at their disposal. The Tigrayan fascism is already politically and ideologically defeated. Now, it has to be defeated militarily.

The fascist TPLF is most vicious enemy of the peoples. It is a political organization that is intoxicated with fascism. And it has long plunged into political barbarism. It is hostile to all peoples of Ethiopian empire; it is a Nazi and an enemy of humanity.

This fascist regime has long declared a genocidal war against the Oromo nation. Ever since 1991, this notorious fascist regime has been waging genocidal war against the Oromo people. It has mercilessly massacred and still massacring defenseless civilian population using live ammunitions, teargas, helicopter gunships, amour vehicles mounted with machine guns.

Our people are and have been under attack at homes, schools, streets, marketplaces, wedding ceremonies, funeral places, and at religious Holy sites. Not only these, TPLF has also poisoned ponds, streams, rivers and lakes in Oromia in order to kill any living thing that uses water– both human and animals.

In order to achieve its goal of annihilation of the Oromo people, TPLF has already exterminated millions of Oromo; tens of thousands have been disappeared without trace; hundreds of thousands have been arrested and sent to killing centers and concentration camps; a million has been driven into exile; and more millions have been evicted from their farmlands and exposed to poverty, starvation and death.

Against this criminal fascist regime, the Oromo people have to defend themselves with arms. It is time for the Oromo people and the Oromo nationalists to switch from peaceful form of struggle to the armed struggle against this fascist TPLF regime. The armed struggle is the only viable option to defeat and bury this fascist TPLF regime. The peaceful method of struggle must conform to the lines of political and armed struggle.

The Oromo people believe in peace and in the principles of justice, freedom, equality, democracy, sovereignty, self-determination, human dignity, and in the right of all peoples in Ethiopia to exercise them. These cannot be achieved through peaceful means of struggle against fascist TPLF regime and it cannot be achieved under the so-called transitional government of Ethiopia.

Never forget for a moment that the nature of our struggle is political and armed struggle for liberation. Thus, it is high time for us to be organized, armed and fight to liberate Oromia. In order to liberate Oromia, we must fight fire with fire, sword with sword. These are the only options we have in this struggle of ours to defeat this Tigrayan fascist regime. It is time to bury Tigrayan fascism once and for all.

The establishment of “transitional government” of Ethiopia including the fascist TPLF regime is to make a cosmetic change to the fascist TPLF-led regime instead of dismantling, destroying and burying it.

Hence, the so-called transitional government must be totally rejected and fought against. For this, we need to unite, organize, and take up arms and resort to armed struggle in order to defend our people and our country against all forces of re-actions. The requirements for this are a complete unity in action and a complete unity in purpose. Here, our guiding principles are national unity, national mobilization, national struggle and national liberation.

Oromia shall be free!

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