- A New Abyssinian Alliance in the Making and What it Means for Oromia 2025-03-19 @ 0:01 Synopsis The crisis of Oromia can be summed up in a single, stark sentence: Oromia’s greatest hazard is its own wealth. The sheer abundance of its resources has drawn in competing forces, each vying for control. This relentless scramble has… 🡺 continue reading
- Civility Costs Nothing, Obbo Hailu Adunya 2025-02-26 @ 21:00 Public office is not a playground for personal arrogance, nor is it a stage for hurling insults at those with differing perspectives. It is, above all, a responsibility—a duty to conduct oneself with dignity, reason, and respect. Obbo Hailu Adunya,… 🡺 continue reading
- Decoding Prosperity Party Regime’s Farcical Four-Day Meeting on Oromia 2025-02-23 @ 11:58 DISCLAIMER This editorial opinion of OROMIA TODAY has been formulated in consultation with opinion influencers. What Just Happened? Reportedly, delegates representing a broad spectrum of political, civic, and faith-based organizations—16 in total, as stated—convened to deliberate on the political… 🡺 continue reading
- Urbanizing the People, the Land, and the Government: A Bold Statement by Shimelis Abdissa 2025-02-22 @ 12:00 Introduction Shimelis Abdissa, the President of Oromia, has introduced a new term—possibly a novel entry into the Afan Oromo lexicon—magaalomsuu, derived from magaalaa, meaning town. The term magaalomsuu is intended to mean "to urbanize," and it resonates deeply in the… 🡺 continue reading
- Shame on You Qajeelaa “Kajeelaa” Mardaasaa! 2025-02-21 @ 0:01 Ah, the tragedy of the perennially displaced political soul—adrift, unmoored, blown about by the fickle winds of expediency. You once wrapped yourself in the proud banner of the OLF, championing its cause with a fervor that, at the time, seemed… 🡺 continue reading
- The Immutable Standard: The Politician Who Stands Like a Mountain 2025-02-20 @ 21:47 There exists, in the crumbling, treacherous landscape of modern politics, a rare and nearly mythical figure—the Politician of Unyielding Principle. Unlike the fair-weather careerists who slither from one political feast to another, sniffing for power like a desperate hound at… 🡺 continue reading
- Why Is No One Talking About the Dissolution of the Ethiopian Empire? 2025-02-20 @ 21:00 The Elephant in the Room The Ethiopian Empire, as it stands today, is a product of the late 19th century “Scramble for Africa,” when European colonial powers carved up the continent among themselves. Unlike most African countries, Ethiopia managed to… 🡺 continue reading
- Why the Oromia Opposition Parties Never Ever Learn 2025-02-19 @ 12:00 A famous intelligent person once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That is precisely the dilemma Ethiopian opposition groups and liberation fronts find themselves in today. Despite repeated betrayals, failed negotiations,… 🡺 continue reading
- The Unshakable Truth: Finfinnee is an Oromo City 2025-02-18 @ 8:00 Ignorance is our enemy. When we are devoid of facts and logic, all we have is raw emotion. Emotion alone won’t do it. Rewriting fake history, like the fabricated narrative of Barara, won’t change reality. No amount of rhetorical flourish… 🡺 continue reading
- The Anatomy of an Unforced Error: When Leadership Blunders Cross the Line 2025-02-14 @ 9:00 Some mistakes are mere slip-ups, while others leave the world scratching its head. The latter category—unforced errors of a daft kind—carries a special weight, often revealing deeper flaws in leadership, judgment, and strategic thinking. These aren’t the minor lapses of… 🡺 continue reading
- When Those Who Should Protect You Become the Perpetrators 2025-02-02 @ 7:00 This article was part-featured in Ethio Forum's news documentary: የሽመልስ አብዲሳ የምስጢር ሠራዊት፤ ነጌኛዎቹ ወታደሮች (5 Feb 2025). What Do You Do When Power Becomes the Criminal? How do you describe the indescribable? How do you find words for a… 🡺 continue reading
- Glory to Gloom: The Rise and Fall of Jawar Mohammed 2025-01-15 @ 22:36 Jawar Mohammed’s journey from celebrated activist to a controversial figure in Oromo politics reflects a turbulent trajectory shaped by hidden ideologies, contentious alliances, and fractured loyalties. Once a key player in both the Oromo and Ethiopian political landscapes, his career… 🡺 continue reading
- On PM Abiy Ahmed’s Mockery of the OLF’s Fifty-Year Struggle 2024-11-28 @ 18:01 by Elemoo Qilxuu “Look at the OLF—fifty years. In those fifty years of OLF struggle, what have the Oromo people benefited? It’s time to sit down and review. Exhaustion!, exhaustion.” "ተመልከቱ ኦነግን ሀምሳ አመት፤ ሀምሳ አመት በኦነግ ትግል የኦሮሞ ህዝብ… 🡺 continue reading
- The Psychology of Fear and Blame: Oromia PP Administration’s Obsession with OLA 2024-11-26 @ 12:00 Psychology offers a lens through which we can understand human behavior, particularly what individuals or institutions focus on and fear the most. This is often encapsulated in phenomena such as the Freudian slip, where underlying anxieties surface unintentionally. In the… 🡺 continue reading
- How the Educated Elites Lost the Plot as the Tide is Turning: Using Education to Inflame Rather Than Heal 2024-11-13 @ 9:43 by Elemoo Qilxuu When I saw these three people, the screen characters from The Three Stooges came to mind, albeit in a darker way. The Three Stooges evoke a mix of slapstick chaos, quick wit, and timeless, absurd humor that… 🡺 continue reading
- The Comedy of Errors 2024-11-03 @ 9:06 An Ad Hoc Personal Blog on Current Affairs. Look no further! I’m not talking about Shakespeare’s play. I’m simply borrowing its title as a metaphor. A "comedy of errors" typically describes a situation marked by a cascade of mistakes, misunderstandings,… 🡺 continue reading
- Battee Urgeessaa Is Gone, Who Will Be Next For Koree Nageenyaa’s Gestapo? 2024-04-11 @ 0:11 An accomplished Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) political figure was assassinated last night. His assassination was made to coincide with one of the major religious holidays, Ramadan, presumably calculated to bury the news amidst the celebratory atmosphere. The cruelty of the… 🡺 continue reading
- Remembering our Heroines and Heroes 2023-04-15 @ 0:01 In Dedication to Our Hero Jaal Damissee K. Sardaa (1945-2023) April is a month when Oromo communities all over the world remember their heroines and heroes (hereafter 'heroes'). Particularly, 15th April has a special place in the Oromo struggle for… 🡺 continue reading
- Lessons to be Learnt from the Recent Attempt to Form Oromia Orthodox Synod 2023-02-16 @ 17:00 read this article with audio player Background The announcement of the formation of the Oromia Orthodox Synod on 22 January 2023 was widely welcomed among the Oromo nationals with an overwhelming degree of positivity. It was felt as though that… 🡺 continue reading
- The Ethiopian Orthodox Church: Amhara’s Weapon of Mass Confusion 2023-01-28 @ 9:51 The Ethiopian Orthodox Church's focus should have been on theology instead of being an economic and political instrument that provides a way of life. In the name of religious teaching, the Orthodox Church made it possible for the Amharic language… 🡺 continue reading
- Walabummaa! I’m Singing? 2023-01-20 @ 7:19 read this poem with audio player Through all the tumult and the strife,I hear that music ringing;Walabummaa echoes in my soul:Nothing can stop me from singing. When tyrants tremble sick with fearAnd hear their death knells ringing,When WBO rejoices both… 🡺 continue reading
- Andrew DeCort’s Message of ‘Cry Out for Peace’ with regard to Atrocities in Oromia 2022-12-07 @ 15:30 Andrew DeCort puts out a gripping exposé of "the horrifying escalation of violence in Ethiopia’s Oromia region" as he sets out his article on his Facebook page. A five-section article starts with "Ethiopia's “Other War” in Oromia" and wraps up… 🡺 continue reading
- Liberating The Land and Resources for The Development of Oromia 2019-04-18 @ 17:51 By: Itana Gammada April 18, 2019 Introduction A nation cannot survive, let alone develop and prosper, without having full control over its land, resources and the capacity to direct those resources towards economic development. An effective development plan requires:… 🡺 continue reading
- Barara is not Addis Ababa 2018-11-24 @ 22:39 By Guluma Gemeda PhD University of Michigan-Flint 25.11.2018 Recently, unpublished, 49-page document entitled: ‘Addis Ababa is Barara, and Barara is Addis Ababa' has circulated on the internet. The name of the author(s) is not indicated but an organization called Amhara… 🡺 continue reading
- An Independent Oromia is Inevitable 2016-09-10 @ 11:39 By Gumaa Guddaa This article was first published on Oromo Affairs blog site on September 10, 2010 and now republished on Oromia Today to honour the Oromo revolutionaries martyred for the liberation of Oromia since the November 2015 uprise. Introduction… 🡺 continue reading
- Who are the Rulers of Ethiopian Empire? 2016-04-21 @ 9:56 When we talk of governance in Ethiopia we may not get a clear picture unless we separate the rulers and the ruled. The ruled are hardworking God fearing Africans. Though they were the ones that safeguarded rulers' pleasure with their… 🡺 continue reading
- The need for Oromo nationalists’ unity to end Tigrayan genocide of Oromo people 2016-04-20 @ 1:28 By Leenjiso Horo The Oromo people have united more than ever before from width and breath of Oromia to end the colonial occupation in order to restore their full national sovereignty and independence. In unity, they have raised their flag… 🡺 continue reading
- Call for Oromo Political Organizations to form a Front 2016-04-16 @ 16:33 Time is creating tension and confusion. Almost twenty six years ago the strongest army in sub-Sahara Africa (except South Africa), the Darg suddenly collapsed. Soldiers started running away from battle fronts carrying their guns as if they were simple canes.… 🡺 continue reading
- Ethiopia is crumbling: Time to redraw the boundaries of the empire 2016-01-26 @ 14:14 Ethiopia, an ailing empire, like others before it, is crumbling under its own weight. Recent events in Oromia have exposed the vulnerability and frailty of the 130 years old dilapidated empire. The bastions of the empire were totally surprised but… 🡺 continue reading
- Unrelenting attempt to annihilate a peace-loving people: the Oromo case in point 2016-01-21 @ 20:21 Author: Falamata BiyaaBackgroundThe Oromo are one of the most ancient peoples on earth. Their history goes back to the time of the Pharaohs. They occupy an ancient historical land. They are the Cushitie people mentioned in the Bible. Not only… 🡺 continue reading
- Genocidal acts against the Oromo 2016-01-20 @ 23:22 What is genocide?The term "genocide" did not exist before 1944. It is a very specific term, referring to violent crimes committed against groups with the intent to destroy the existence of the group. Is the international convention against genocide? The… 🡺 continue reading