Oromia Liberation Army (OLA) has officially launched a peaceful social movement under the banner of OROMIA BARARU (OROMIYAA BARAARUU, SAVE OROMIA) to draw attention to the escalation of Oromo Genocide by the Ethiopian Federal Government of Colonel Abiy Ahmed.
Colonel Abiy is using the apparent peace dividend of the “Pretoria Peace Agreement” with the Tigray Region, for escalating Oromo Genocide by moving most of the fighting forces in Tigray to western Oromia, including the infamous criminal paramilitary groups of the Amhara Fano, the Amhara Militia, and the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF).
The Amhara Fano paramilitary groups, with full governmental logistics, didn’t spare a moment in committing unimaginable crimes against humanity. They severed heads of Oromos and paraded them on spikes by singing and dancing and taking selfies; they skinned Oromos alive by recording the cruel and gruesome action on video—brutality that’s unthinkable in modern times.
These criminal Fano groups believe that the utmost atrocities they commit would terrorize the Oromo people to a point of submission and thereby deter Oromos from decades-long demand for freedom and independence of Oromia. The Amhara king, Menelik II, used similar atrocities of severing limbs and breasts during the conquest of Oromia (then called Biyya Oromo) in the late 19th century and early 20th century. The Fano criminal paramilitary gangs are now topping that record of brutality by severing Oromo’s heads in the 21st century. Their favorite slogan is “We shall repeat our forefathers’ actions [atrocities]”.
What drives the Amhara Fano paramilitary groups and Amhara Militia as well as the Amhara elites in the federal government and Amhara regional administration, referred to as Nafxanyaas — which among other things means, groups of jingoists, warmongers, or hawkish driven by irrational superimacist and expansionist mindset — is a naked expansionist policy to enlarge the Amhara region by grabbing lands from bordering regions. This was their main objective with the Tigray war, and Oromia is no different in their irrational quest. Their political incorrectness on intent to acquiring lands at explicit exclusion of people who inhabit those lands, requires coinage of a new phrase along the lines of “21st century Nazism“.
How you can help
Please take part in publicizing the OROMIA BARARU movement by contributing to and/or sharing the #OB and #OromoGenocide hashtags on Facebook, YouTube, and elsewhere. If you can, be counted by taking part in peaceful demonstrations where you are.