OLF announces the election of Galasa Dilbo as its leader

OLF announces the election of Galasa Dilbo as Chairman and Mulugeta Mosisa as Deputy Chairman

Source: www.oromoliberationfront.net Read the whole statement below.


At this critical juncture the Oromo people are facing ethnic cleansing and genocide. By declaring state of emergency, the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) regime has authorized full-scale state terrorism, arbitrary mass arrest, detention, torture, and extrajudicial killing, in particular targeting the Oromo youth, to destroy the future of our nation.

The Oromo people are showing a strong resistance against the brutality of the regime. This united strong resistance of our people against tyranny, as necessary as it is, requires a solid Pan-Oromo political organization, which is fully capable of mobilizing human and material resources of the nation to guarantee the success of the struggle of our people for freedom.

The OLF Central Committee has thoroughly assessed the many challenges our liberation struggle has to overcome, including urgent need for strengthening the unity of purpose among Oromo political organizations, and mustering Oromo resources in order to halt and finally end the TPLF’s reign of terror and its colonial occupation.

With this understanding and being fully aware of the challenges ahead, the OLF found it necessary to reorganize itself and elect a new leadership whose commitments and dedications are to the service of the cause of the Oromo people.

Accordingly, the OLF is pleased to announce the election of Galasa Dilbo as Chairman and Mulugeta Mosisa as Deputy Chairman of OLF in a democratic process accordance to the constitution of the organization.

Galasa Dilbo is recognized all across Oromia, for his selfless dedication to the freedom of his people. He has a proven track record of leadership skills and utilizing participatory leadership style. He has the vision to win the trust of the great Oromo nation and lead our organization to victory in the struggle for liberation of Oromia.

The newly elected leadership team also includes, elected Deputy Chairman Mulugeta Mosisa, who is equally experienced, dedicated and capable leader, and other able leaders are also elected to other key positions.

The OLF Central Committee is confident that the newly elected team of leadership will be a unifying factor at this critical juncture in the history of the Oromo nation.

The OLF extends patriotic invitation to members of the organization currently divided into different factions to reject division and unite under the new leadership to guarantee the success of the OLF. The OLF also calls upon inactive members disenchanted to re-join and revitalize the organization.

The OLF urges the Oromo people to embrace the newly elected OLF leadership and lend its fullest support for the success of the vision of liberating our county and bring the 140 years long dehumanization by successive Abyssinian regimes to an end.

The OLF is cognizant that the Oromo nation has risen in unison and shown a burning desire, not only to succeed in its struggle for survival but also to finally break the yoke of Abyssinian colonization, and build a secure future for itself. Herewith, the OLF reiterates, once more, its total commitment to use all that is at its disposal to contribute to the Oromo national struggle for emancipation.

The OLF calls upon Oromo organizations to wipe the slate of blaming each other clean, from today, and get on with the work we have got to do as we struggle for national survival in the face of a threat from the merciless occupying TPLF forces who are killing our people without fear of retribution.

The OLF Central Committee also calls upon the international community, the United Nations, international organizations and governments to support the Oromo people’s inalienable right to self-determination.

Oromia shall be free!

OLF Central Committee


Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo akka dhaaba dursuuf J/Galaasaa Dilboo filuu haala boonsaa taheen beeksisa

Yeroo murteessaa tahe ammaa keessatti duguuggaan sanyii saba Oromoo irraa gahaa jira. Wayyaaneen labsii yeroo hatattamaa labsuun hegeree Oromia balleessuuf dardaraa fi shamaranirratti kan xiyyeefate ajjeechaa, hidhaa, arihamaaa fi dararama adda addaa Oromia guutuutti geggeessaa jiraachuun beekamaa dha.

Uummanni Oromoo balaa guddaa kana qolachuuf diddaa jabaa garsiisaa jiran. Diddaan tokkummaadhaan uummanni Oromoo garsiisaa jiru kun, haalaan barbaachisaa tahuun ni hubatama, akkasumas dhaaba siyaasaa hundaa hammataa kan tahe, kan uummataa fi qabeenya gara qabsoo bilisummaa sochoosuu danda’u, kan haala jiru hubatee walabummaa biyyaa keenyaa mirkaneessu barbaachisaa tahuun ni hubatama.

Gumiin Sabaa Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo (GS-ABO) walgahee xiinxala godhee ture keessatti, balaa amma Wayyaaneedhaan geggeeffamaa jiru kana aggachuudhaaf hojiidhaan kan qorame tokkummaan dhaabota siyaasaa barbaachisaa tahuu fi waan dandeenyuun biyya keenyaaf falmuun yoomiyyuu caalaa amma murteessa tahuu akeekachiisee jira.

Kana hubachuudhaan, rakkoo jiru fi balaa as deemaa jiru guutuutti hubachuudhaan ABO dhaaba toora galfachuu fi hoggana haarawa kanneen uummata isaanii murannoo fi dhugaan qaceelchuu danda’an filachuun barbaachisaa tahee argame. Akkasumas, bulchiinsi fi caasaan dhaabaa Oromia keessaa fi alatti haaromuu asumaan hubachiifna.

Kanarratti hundaa’uudhaan, akka seeraa fi heera dhaabaa tti, karaa dimokraatawaa taheen J/Galaasaa Dilboo hayyu duree Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo J/Mulugeetaa Moosisaa itti aanaa hayyu duree Adda bilisummaa Oromoo tahanii filamuu isaanii gammachuu guddaadhaan beeksifna.

J/Galaasaa Dilboo Oromia guutuutti kan beekamu, hawaasa Oromoo irraa jaalala, mararfannoo fi ulfina guddaa kan qabu, bilisummaa saba issaaf kan if kenne, muuxannoo hogganummaa hojiin qorame yeroo dheeraa kan qabuu fi qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti gumaacha ol-aanaa kan qabu dha. J/Galasaa Dilboo akeeka dhaabichaa kan tahe walabummaa Oromia tti saba isaa hawwatee fi hiriirsee injifannoon akka gahu mamiin hin jiru.

J/Mulugeetaa Moosisaa akkasuma muuxannoo hedduu, murannoo bilisummaa saba isaa fi toora walabummaa biyyaa isaa irratti ejjennoo hin daddaaqne qabaachuun beekkama. Akkasumas qondaaltonnii dameelee kan biraa hogganan tuuta hoggansaa kanatti filamanii jiru.

Seenaa Oromoo keessatti yeroo murteessaa tahe kana keessatti tuuti hoggantootaa kun humna qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo tokkoomsu tahu jedhamee abdatama.

Humnoota qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo yeroo ammaa bakka adda addaa tti caccabanii jiran, injifannoo ABO mirkaneesuuf wal-dhabbii adda addaarra tarkaanfatanii hoggana haarawa kana waliin akka hiriiran waamicha Oromummaa dabarsina. Akkasumas miseensonni ABO kanneen rakkoo adda addaa irraa kan ka’e dhaabarraa ala jiran akka deebi’anii dhaaba kana humneesinu kabajaa fi hafuuraa jaalluummaan gaafanna.

Humnoota Habashaa dhufe-darbaan waggoota 140 oliif namaa-gadi tasifamuun saba Oromoo akka dhaabbatu gochuu, sanyi duguuggaa humna Wayyaanee ifirraa dhaabnee biyya keenyatti abbaa tahuuf hoggana haarawa ABO waliin akka dhaabbattan uummata Oromoof irra deebinee waamicha goona.

Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo sabni Oromoo tokkummaadhaan ka’ee jireenya har’aa qofaaf osoo hin taane fedhii belbelaa harqoota gabrummaa humnoota Habashaa ifirraa kaasee mirkana jireenyaa kan tahe kan mataa isaa dhaabbachuu akka tahe ni hubata. Fedhii belbeltuu kana hubachuudhaan waan humni keenya danda’uu fi karaa dandeenyuun gumaachuuf qophii tahuu keenya ibsina.

Wayyaaneen kan sodaa tokko malee uummata keenya lafarraa fixaa jirtu aggachuudhaaf dhaabbileen siyaasaa Oromoo wal-balaaleffachuurra dabranii hojii qabsoo nurraa eegamu akka raawwannu waamicha goona.

Akkasumas hawaasa idil-addunyaa, dhaabbata tokkummaa biyyoolessaa fi mootummootni biyyoota hundaa sabni Oromoo haqa hiree ifii akka sabaatti fi akka namaatti murteeffachuuf carraaqaa jiru cinaa akka dhaabbataniif waamicha goona.

Oromian ni bilisomti!!

Gumii Sabaa ABO

One thought on “OLF announces the election of Galasa Dilbo as its leader

  1. 276781 813540Hi there! Great post! Please do tell us when I could see a follow up! 24654

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